About me

My name's Rory Walker and I'm a professional artist based in Bristol, UK. 

Since leaving Falmouth College of Arts many years ago (and Brighton University more recently), I've put my mark on many aspects of illustrative artwork for clients all over the world. I've worked for video games companies designing 2d artwork and textures, created album artwork for record labels and board games , designed T-Shirts and posters for bands and gig-nights, drawn children's books, illustrated educational books, filled the pages of magazines with editorial work, worked with graphic design agencies, advertising agencies, media companies, web companies, film makers, and so on. 

Currently I'm the resident artist for the multinational IT company, "Quest" and am the regular artist for the Practical365.com website. I'm just finishing off book 10 in a series of graphic novels for Salaryia Publishing - "Live from the Crypt". Services include - Illustration Storyboarding Comic Strips Cartoons 

Here's my Amazon Author page if you'd like to buy any of my books. 

Represented by the Bright Agency
